Saturday, August 07, 2004

Weekends are made for those that care boring can one existance be?! Now, I'm not trying to be bitter here...quite the contrary. Let me describe the weekend that I've had thus far...

I woke up at 9 am which is SERIOUSLY late for me. Usually, regardless of the day fo the week, I'm up between 6 and 7 in the morning. 9 is LATE. Anyway, I woke up and cleaned up a little bit. My apartment hasn't been "dirty" per se yet. I mean, I find it disorganized from time to time, but never dirty. So, then at 10, I got all cleaned up and went to the post office so that I could mail a package to a friend of mine. Once finished with that, I got the oil changed in my truck and then went to the computer store that I used to work at. Nobody that I knew was there (surprise!) so I left and went back home.

Once I got home, my neighbor, his son and I went to Taco Bell to eat. Then, we drove around Ruston for a couple hours, then went back home. There isn't much to Ruston to begin driving around Ruston for a couple hours take a lot of patience more than anything. Anyway, we came back home and played Battlefield 1942 against one another till 5.

Then, I had supper while I watched a movie. Alone.

You know...sometimes I wonder if happiness is worth this. Atleast when I was married, there was someone else there (not that I say people should just get married for the sake of not being alone). Plus, we had a dog. Poor puppy...I miss her a lot.

It's times like these that I really sit back and wonder if I made the right decision. Did I give all that I could? Could I have tried one more time? I guess it doesn't really matter. What has happened has happened. I've been hurt, and have hurt others in return. Such is life, I guess. One big pain after another. Yes...I'm falling down the stairs. One more landing, and I'll officially be depressed.

Anyway, tomorrow is another day. It could be better than today...who knows. - LT


Blogger Sun said...

I'm sitting here trying to think of anything I could say that will make you feel better. All I can tell you is that you are in my thoughts and prayers. And, like you always tell me, it will get better. It will. I promise.


8:59 PM  

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