Sunday, August 08, 2004

Wal-Mart - The Black Hole of the Universe!

Ok,'s the deal: I hate Wal-Mart. Well...ok, so hate is a really strong word that should never be used at all, so...let me say, I can't stand Wal-Mart. Let me explain.

So, it, being the weekend, was time for me to do my shopping for the week. I was to get some food stuffs so that I wouldn't starve to death (yeah, that's actually NEVER going to happen...I could probably survive atleast 2 weeks without eating) and so that I could get more Tylenol (I've been having wicked headaches for the last month or so due to tension and stress...or, that's what I tell myself anyway) and more Acid Reducer (Equate, of course, for the same reason as the Tylenol).

So, all told, I purchased a grand total of 19 items. NINETEEN! Oh...the number makes no sense to you yet because I haven't told you that my bill totalled $122 and change! BAH! That's insane! I mean, I could understand if I bought 4 T-bone steaks or something, but no! The only meat that I bought was some ground beef and some Buffalo Chicken Strips (if you've never tried those, I highly recommend them...they're easy to make and taste great to! (If you work for Tyson, please make cheque payable to LaTech!)) . Now, you could say, "LaTech, that's only an average price of $6.45 per item! That's not that bad!" Ok...please consider: I bought a can of refried beans (for Mexican night) at $.58, and a pack of gum (for after Mexican night...along with the Equate) at $.78. Now...somewhere, something doesn't make sense.

Anyway, today was a much better day than yesterday (especially when I don't consider the Wal-Mart incident).


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