Monday, August 09, 2004

The origins of all of this..., I guess it's probably time to try and explain why I picked not only the title to this bad boy, but also my name (LaTech, not my name name...we all know where that came from, or rather, I hope you all know where it came from). I'll explain both of those things as well as write more about what's going on for me.

So, first things first. I go by "LaTech" in many different places and have been doing so for about 6 or 7 years. Wow...has it been that long? (I hear insane laughing coming from beyond a door that leads to my office and I am reminded of Doom3...I shudder). Yes, so...6 years or so. The name, of course, comes from my Alma Mater, Louisiana Tech University (La for Louisiana...and, well...nevermind...if you don't get it, don't blame me). At the time that I started calling myself this alias, I was still a student there. Actually, I was a student there, then I wasn't, then I was again...but that's a different story. Back when Team Fortress Classic came out (right after the release of Half Life), I began playing that and LaTech was the first name that came to mind. No, I'm not French, nor do I speak it. Regardless of the fact that I presently reside in Louisiana, and regardless of the fact that I went to high school and college here, the only French I know is how to say what translates to, "I don't speak French." I figured that was the most important phrase I could ever learn if I was to ever, say, invade France on my own (which I would win) or if I was lost way down in the bayou of South Louisiana. Anyway, I digress. The name followed me as I began playing CounterStrike, and has stuck with me ever since. Would I ever change my name? Sure...when I changed my real life name to Peter O'Brian. And that's gonna happen within the next 50 just wait.

Now, about "Token White Guy". I presently work at a HBCU (Historically Black College or University). I won't say which department, but it's not that hard to figure out. Then again, you can easily tell where I live, so me leaving out which HBCU is rather idiotic of me...but anyway, that's not the point. The point is, in my department, I am the only white male. I find this QUITE humorous and point at the humor in it whenever I can. So, as the only white male in my department, I'm the token white guy. Thus, the title of this blog.

I am so psyched about this week. Why, you inquire. Well, if you would leave me alone for one second, I would tell you! Patience, my friend, is a virtue. Wednesday, just after I leave work, I will begin my trek to Dallas, TX (ok, so I didn't need to put "TX" because, while there might be other Dallas', there's only ONE DALLAS!) for GeekFest 2004! Doesn't sound familiar, does it? Well, ok....there IS a reason. The official title of where I am going is "QuakeCon 2004", but while that title is nice and all, it doesn't explain the true magnitude of what will be going on or who will be there. GeekFest....a gathering of computer geeks that will be sure to inspire e-zine articles, blog postings, and photographs. Anyway, I'm REALLY looking forward to this thing. And yes...the fact that I'm a geek could explain a lot of that excitement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:19 PM  
Blogger LaTech said...

What's interesting?

4:48 AM  

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