Monday, January 29, 2007

Long Overdue

I know that I promised to rehash some of the views expressed in the last post, but for the life of me, I just don’t have the desire to do so. I mean, the topic interests me (after all, why would I write about it if I weren’t interested), but right now I just don’t have the time to sit down and write what I want to be able to write. In the infamous words of Monty Python: and now for something completely different.

I think people are funny. People ARE funny. I mean take your average person: This person is going to have hopes, dreams, opinions and (hopefully) a life. This part, in and of itself, isn’t that funny, I realize. What IS funny to me is the things that people have opinions about and what they base these opinions on.

Take, for example, someone that I’ve talked with on a forum that I regularly go to. Now, this individual would probably be one of the most closed minded people I’ve ever met: he’s opinionated, boisterous, owns a very small oil company, rules his house with an iron fist, promotes the American way of life at every turn, and is generally someone that I wouldn’t want to know in real life.

I don’t have a problem with people having opinions. I think that is one of the main rights that we, as Americans have and if you don’t like that, then leave (insert mental picture of American flag flying with the Stars and Stripes Forever being played)! However, if you are going to be so closed minded as to not accept facts for what they are, then you are nothing more than a sheep that is willing to spout off that which is force fed to you each and every day by the media, the government, or whoever else you choose to listen to instead of taking the time to check the facts…do the research…and be willing to have your mind changed.

It’s time to wake up folks…America isn’t what it used to be. It’s turning into a place that is being run by special interest groups and large corporations. The time when the mom and pop stores were the backbone of the country is LONG gone. The time when the working man of America had a voice is LONG gone. The time when we, as individuals, were GUARANTEED rights is LONG gone.

Do me a favor please…what you see right now isn’t normal. This isn’t the way. Take your head out of the sand, shake it about to remove the larger pieces from your eyes…and look. Step out of your daily life…out of the pandered life you lead…and see reality.

Remember, Remember the 5th of November…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that the intelligent people are never 100% sure and are always will to re-evaluate the issue in light of new evidence or a different perspective and the closed minded people are always 100% sure of their views, even if there is a mountian of verrified evidence to the contrary (evolution). I feel for those people who live in a black and white world, because they will never know the joy of the exploration to discover what "shade of gray" something is. Nothing in life is certain (heisenberg's uncertainty principle), and only "idiots" deal in absolutes. *My appologies to any that may be offended.

Also in the grand scheme of things, it is really silly how people fixate on one idea or position and defend it to the death, when we could all be wiped out tommorrow by a comet, or a black hole or something.


9:38 AM  
Blogger LaTech said...

Not to count myself as an "intelligent" person, but if you aren't willing to question yourself and your beliefs...whats the point?! I mean, nothing is absolute.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Raptor said...

The Siths deal in absolutes too.


6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know me, so why do you think you do?

3:13 PM  
Blogger LaTech said...

I don't hide...this blog is full of my musings, my thoughts and everything else. I protect the names of those that I care about by giving them fake names, and chose not to mention names for those that I don't care about. This is, for all intents and purposes, my blog. I can say what I want here. You don't like it...start your own.

3:18 PM  

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