Monday, January 31, 2005

Another Excellent Weekend

After writing my last blog post, I have decided that I wanted to write another very good post. This is going to be another great post (although the ending is sad, but in a good way).

For those of you that don’t know (ok, so by this point, everyone knows and I’m just talking to myself here), I went to the greater Washington DC area this last weekend, and, just as my Dallas trip, it was by far, one of the best weekends of my entire life.

I left my apartment on Friday morning at 4:30. My neighbor was kind enough to take me to the airport and drop me off so that I wouldn’t have to leave my truck unattended there at the airport…he’s a great friend. I was really nervous and jittery as this would be the first plane ride I had taken anywhere since May 21 of 2001. Let me tell you, many things have changed since then (I’m sure you know what I’m talking about and the reasons behind the changes). I waited around till 6:20 when they began boarding the plane (a twin engine Saab with no more than 30 seats in it). I took my seat, got out my book, and began reading.

The flight from Monroe, LA to Memphis, TN took only about 53 minutes. That sure beats 4 hours of driving, let me tell you! It was a really nice flight. There is nothing cooler than flying along and watching the world beneath you begin its day.

Once I got to Memphis, I stepped off the plane and was greeted with a very chilly breeze. Please note that at this point, I was dressed in khaki shorts, sneakers, and a LaTech sweatshirt…not exactly clothing designed for “cold” weather, but I was comfortable. It was probably 30 degrees.

The plane ride from Memphis to Baltimore, MD was also uneventful. The weather after getting off the plane there was even cooler! I was in hog heaven! I saw groovy right away and gave her the biggest hug that I could without breaking any bones or causing either of us to stop breathing (there is a fine line between expressing joy at seeing someone and hurting them). After we found the car, we left the Baltimore Airport and went to the Harbor area to walk around for a bit and sight see.

The Harbor area of Baltimore is VERY cool. It’s quite clean…much cleaner than I expected. The snow isn’t edible, though. It was brown in some areas and yellow in others (there was this dog that was admiring the yellow snow that it had just made that made me laugh). We ate at this California Pizza place where I had a B-B-Q chicken pizza that was just awesome. I remarked that I was trying to go for the clothing disparity award (or something to that effect) and thought it would be funny if someone thought I was from Alaska or something. Well, we went to Barnes and Noble there in Baltimore (as an aside, can there REALLY be too many bookstores in the world? I think not…) and I was asked by this gentleman if I was from around there. “No,” I replied as kindly as I could. “Are you from Alaska?” he asked. Smiling, knowing that my experiment was a success, I said, “No, sir…I happen to be from Louisiana.” A confused look crossed his face, again mission success, and I walked away.

We then traveled to Frederick, MD…where groovy lives. I didn’t realize the amount of history in that area. I mean, I KNEW there was history there, but I didn’t realize just how much it was engrained in everything. In the harbor of Baltimore, there is the USS Constellation (the last surviving all sail ship built during the Civil War) and in Frederick, there is the grave of Francis Scott Key…and that’s just 2 SMALL things in that area. Very, very cool area if you’re into history.

We hung out at groovy’s apartment for a while and played around with her cat, Sasha (an all-black cat with greenish eyes). As it turns out, I seem to be allergic to cats, but by Sunday afternoon, I was getting acclimated to her and wasn’t sneezing quite as much. Anyway, I enjoyed playing with Sasha and I think she liked me. Only Sasha knows for sure, I guess. We ended up eating at this place called Famous Dave’s, which has THE BEST corn bread muffins I’ve ever had. Hands down. Oh, and the best B-B-Q sauce (it’s called Devils Spit and is mildly spicy).

Saturday morning was spent leisurely reading through a book about personalities and compatibility. As it turns out, groovy and I are both very unique people (less than 4% of the population are our personalities) and our personalities are pretty compatible. We went to this place called Paragon (or Prago or something like that…it started with a “P”) for lunch and then went to Lowes to get some stuff so that I could fix a messed up door (the doorknob fell off and wouldn’t work for some reason as it lay on the floor). We ended up fixing several things that needed attention and pretty much just spent the rest of the day talking, playing with Sasha and getting to know one another again. We ended up cooking chili and corn bread for supper. It was awesome! Next time you have cornbread, put peanut butter and honey on it…it’s really good! It began snowing Saturday evening at about 7.

Sunday, when I woke up, it was still snowing and had accumulated between 3 and 4 inches of the white stuff. It was so awesome! I wanted to go outside and throw snowballs at myself, but, age and maturity kicked in just in time and I just ended up walking through the stuff on the way to the car (dang it…next time!!!). We ended up eating lunch and then had to leave almost right away for the airport in Baltimore.

Once again, I think leaving someone that you care about and love is one of the hardest things that any person can ever have to do. We sat in the airport for almost an hour. I didn’t want to leave her because I knew that as soon as I stood up to leave that I wouldn’t want to leave and would then feel the inevitable heartache. Well, I was about to say that all good things must come to an end, but I don’t know that I really believe that anymore. Some good things continue on forever. It was unfortunate that I wasn’t able to spend more time there with groovy, but, in 2 weeks I will return to hang out with her again.
Leaving is horrible. I wanted to just not get on the plane…to walk away from everything that I had and knew in Louisiana. It would have been so simple, but I’m not one of those people that can just walk away from their responsibilities that easily. As it stands now, I will be moving up to the DC area by the summer. Can that change? Yes…that can change. If I find a job before then, I may move before then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Drifter. Glad to read that you had such a wonderful time and I hope that those wonderful time keep coming.

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


sounds like u had a wonderful time yet again. im glade that your happy and having a great time on your adventures and hope they just keep getting better and better.
later bro

3:03 PM  

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