Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year's Resolutions – A Change of Focus

I’ve been asked several times what my New Year’s resolutions are. Now, usually I don’t bother with such thing. Why, you may ask? Well, quite simply, the things that one usually comes up with for New Year’s resolutions are things that they wish they were doing year round, but will probably forget about after a month or two. This is not to say that making resolutions is a waste of time, although they could be. It’s really all about dedication to making your life better anyway. If you want to do it bad enough, you’re going to do it whether you made a resolution or not.

Anyway, let’s assume here for a minute (or how ever long it takes you to read this) that I was into making resolutions (which as you can guess, I’m not). What kind of things would I pick for my resolutions? Would I be passé and say things like, “I want to be a better person” or “I want to lose X number of pounds in weight”? Actually, I would say those sorts of things just to follow the trend of most people’s resolutions. So, on with the list!

1) I would like to lose weight. It’s true that this is a very passé sort of thing to say. Everyone wants to lose weight (except for this lady that I saw on TV last night that weighed like 50 something pounds…then again, even SHE thought she was overweight, which couldn’t be further from the truth). I’m one of those people that are their own worse enemies. I think the worst about myself (another topic). Am I overweight? Yes…I am, and I hate it. I’ve tried watching what I eat, I’ve tried exercising…nothing seems to work for me. This year, though, I resolve to lose weight. It WILL happen, you just watch.

2) I would like to write more. I actually enjoy writing, especially when I have what I KNOW to be a good idea for a story or book. I wrote a disturbing piece the other day that was, to date, the best thing I’ve ever written. It was disturbing…be sure you understand that…but it was still pretty darn good. Even I thought so!

3) By the end of this year, I want to have a pretty good idea as to what it is that I want to do with my life. As it is, I really don’t want to stay at my present job, and I really want to move. I would move North, East or West…but South is right out (unless I were to move to Antarctica…hehehe). I would like to find a job that is challenging and not the same old crap every day. Does that job REALLY exist (in all it’s idyllic splendor)? I don’t know.

4) I want to go on a trip. Somewhere. Anywhere. My neighbor has asked me to go with his family on a Disney cruise to somewhere out in the Gulf, but I would hate to be the third wheel (well, the fourth wheel in this case). It’s in May, so technically I would (maybe) have time to find someone to go with, but that’s a big investment for a person to make (don’t I know it!). I don’t really know. I AM going to go on a trip April(ish), assuming that’s still ok and everything (?). I don’t know when specifically, but there is still time. Then there is QuakeCon 2005 that is supposed to happen in August…but that’s only to Dallas, so that’s not really a trip. When I say trip, I mean TRIP!!!

5) I want to be able to help people more. I’ve done the best that I can do in helping people this last year. I have several friends who needed help in one way or another, and I did whatever it took to help them. I want to continue that trend.

6) I guess this kinda goes in line with #1, but I want to eat better. Well, I want to eat things that are better for me (laughs). That may be a better way to say it. I’ve had some serious gastrointestinal issues this last year, and I can only see them getting worse if I don’t do something soon. It should also help with the weight issues. Take, for instance, this morning – I’ve had a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of orange juice. How much better can you get than that?!

7) I want to learn how to play the guitar. I presently own a Martin Sigma guitar (6 string acoustic, non-classical) and am in the process of learning chords and stuff. Chords are great, but chords aren’t music. I miss music. I miss the feeling of playing a difficult piece the best that I could. I miss making music. I wanted to buy a French Horn the other day so I could play that again, but they are pretty expensive.

Well, I guess that is enough for now. That isn’t all that I want to accomplish this year, but it’s a pretty good representation of what should happen, assuming I buckle down and actually work on it.

Do you have any resolutions you would like to share? If so, please do.

Happy New Year, everyone (all 4 of you).


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