Sunday, December 12, 2004

Christmas Plans

Greetings one and all…yes, it’s that time again! Time for me to update all 3 of you how I’m doing and everything. This is, of course, assuming that you are concerned or even care how I’m doing…then again, if you didn’t or weren’t, you probably wouldn’t have come here to read, therefore, I must assume that you do care…so, I’ll continue.

I would say that I’ve been horribly busy over the last several weeks, but that would not only be a dream of mine, but would also be a lie, and, as I try my best not to lie, I’ll tell the truth instead.

Work has been hectic. It’s the end of the semester and EVERYTHING is happening all of a sudden. I mean, all the finals to prepare for, all the projects to grade, all the papers to sort out, all the testing to organize (one of my duties is to maintain order in the online testing segment of our testing…it’s great when you are in charge of something, only to have someone else schedule someone to take a test in the same room and the same time as another class…it makes your life exciting!). Anyway, after Wednesday of this week, it will all be over and we can all take a collective sigh of relief. Actually, starting on Friday (at 5pm, of course), Christmas vacation will begin from which I won’t have to return until Jan 4!!

What am I going to do with all my time off?! Well, I’m glad you asked. I had wanted to go on a nice, long trip somewhere that I’ve never been before, but…I waited too long to purchase any sort of good ticket (and I’m all but broke!!!), so I’ve had to rethink my plans. As it stands now, except for heading to Baton Rouge the Saturday after I get off work, and heading home the Tuesday after that, I have no plans. Now, this is not to say that I’m going to be bored (quite the contrary!), just that I’ll be home where I belong. Well, maybe not where I belong, but where I want to be. (I have my window open and some guy just walked past it and crunched on some leaves…that freaked me out just a bit!) Anyway, I may go for a driving vacation (you know, hop in the truck, point it somewhere I’ve never been and press on the gas), but I don’t know for sure yet.

I’ve just finished reading the last of the present Harry Potter books, and I must honestly say, I’ve been quite impressed. The books are very well written and draw you into the story quite quickly (I read the first 2 books in 3 days only reading after work). I’ve also seen all 3 of the movies that are out and am rather impressed with them as well. They all tend to follow the books quite well (with the exception of the 3rd one which leaves quite a bit out for understandable reasons). Anyway, if you read books, read those…they’re pretty good if I do say so myself.

Well, as I’m pretty sure I won’t be writing in this anymore before Christmas, I want to wish you, dear reader, a very safe and Merry Christmas. May you get everything that you deserve, and may you make someone smile by showing them the love they deserve.



Blogger Sun said...

Hmmm... seems that your posts have been centering around holidays. Interesting...

Sounds like a good plan (although I still think you should have gone to Alaska so I could live vicariously through you).

Don't suppose you'll be anywhere near Northeastern Mississippi the week of Dec. 20...

9:56 AM  
Blogger LaTech said...

Um...H...dear...that might be because it's the holiday season! ;) Wub ya!

3:33 PM  

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