Friday, April 22, 2005

More info...

Ok. So I've received a couple emails asking for more information on what all is going on and stuff because I was too vague in my last post. goes!

I'm going to be moving to Maryland shortly after May 27th (which is my last day of work). Why? Several reasons. 1) I want to be with groovy. We've been seeing one another now for a while, and quite honestly, the flying back and forth, while fun, is getting old. Plus, it was costing an arm and a leg to fly plus food etc. 2) I've come to a point in my job where the longer I stay here, the further behind I'm going to get. While my job is fun and I get to interact with some interesting people, the technologies that are in place here are decidedly outdated. Add on top of that the fact that I can never progress in my present job. Sure, I can get certifications, my MBA, whatever...but I can never move up. I'm at the top of the ladder as far as this place is concerned...and that's not where I want to be right now. 3) I've never really enjoyed Louisiana, and especially North Louisiana. It's hot, humid, no scenery, nothing to do...ok, plainly sucks. Sure, it was several steps better than where I lived before (in the Midwest), but it's time to move on.

Now, those are the reasons why I am moving. There are other reasons, sure...but those are the main ones. No, there is no other news that needs to be dissiminated. Nothing else is happening in my life (nobody is about to die, etc).

I've been told several times in the last week how much this place, and the people here, is/are going to miss me. Personally, I don't believe it. I mean, there is only so much being taken advantage of that one person can take. Granted, the people that I believe when they say they will miss me never have taken advantage of me...but many of the ones that do say that have. That's very frustrating. You show up to work and hour early. You do your job. You go home. As long as all the work gets done, who cares how long it takes (I can usually get all my work for the day done before lunch...and I typically do other people's work after that).

One negative thing about moving...I haven't found a job yet. This is an area of frustration for me, personally. I don't know anyone in that area, other than groovy, so my network is VERY small there. How do you meet people in a given field when they live 1200 miles away from you? it's difficult. I'm taking a gamble (something I don't do often) and assuming that I'll be able to find a job easier when I live in that area. You know what they say about assuming...yeah, I know too. If need be, I'll take a job, any job, just to get there and then I'll get the job I'm supposed to have. I hope, anyway.

I fixed my link area to the right of this page. Check out the links, and if you want me to add you to my links, let me know and I'll be happy to do so.


Blogger Sun said...

Congrats on firming up a date to move out there. I know you and groovy will be much happier when you are closer.

9:57 AM  

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