Thursday, February 24, 2005

Last weekend...more fun!

Ok, ok…so I forgot to update the both of you on how my last weekend went. In all honesty, I didn’t forget…I’ve just been really busy with work and trying to get stuff done at home. It’s kind of interesting, I guess, how much work there is to do in a place when you aren’t there much to do it normally. Not that I mind one bit, you see. If I had my way, it wouldn’t be an issue at all.

Ok, so…I flew to BWI on Thursday of last week and got there around 5:35 or so (a full 15 minutes before I was supposed to be there that was spent standing near the wall looking for groovy in an attempt to see her before she saw me so that I could surprise her or something which, of course, failed miserably because I only had about 3 seconds to surprise her before she saw me (what a delightfully long sentence!)). We got in the car and went to eat at this Italian place in the ball in Baltimore. Yes, there is more than one mall in Baltimore, but I neither remember the name of the mall nor the place that we ate, so I’m being intentionally vague! So there! We had this thing that was supposed to be a panini sandwich or something, except it wasn’t. It wasn’t that it was horrible or anything, it just wasn’t what I was expecting at all…but that’s ok! We got back to the apartment around 8:30-9 and just kind of hung out and talked for a while.

Friday morning, we went to Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast. It’s been YEARS since I had Dunkin’ Donuts! They were, of course, better than I remember them being (then again, that could have something to do with the coffee and being too hyper to realize what the food actually tasted like…who knows!). After that, we went to this place called Costco (it’s a non-Wal-Mart version of Sam’s…or something like that) and got all kinds of stuff there (gum, book, food, detergent to last a lifetime…you know, the basic necessities of life, and all in sizes that were sure to make your dwelling seem smaller than it actually was!). We ended up cooking a chicken casserole thing for supper that was especially good (it’s the one that my mom used to cook for us when we were kids with the tortillas and stuff), except we did some slight modification/experiments with it. Instead of using canned peppers, we got some fresh jalapenos and diced them up as well as adding a small can of corn to the mix for color. We decided that it needed some more color (as if orange, yellow, green and white weren’t enough), so we got these red peppers that were in this jar of stuff that she had and put a couple in there. It was, in a word, really, really good. Ok, so that’s 3 words…so sue me. We also made one of those cherry cheesecake things that you don’t have to bake at all. It was also good, even if we didn’t wait long enough for it to set up (laughs).

Saturday, we woke up and made pancakes for breakfast. Pancakes…that has to be an American tradition for breakfast on Saturday mornings or something. Then again, it’s also pretty dang good just about any other day of the week, for just about any other meal of the day…so I guess it’s just good all around (and the crowd yells, “Get on with it!”). Ok…we were trying to think of something to do during the day because we were going to head to DC that evening to go to this area of DC that groovy had never been to (I’m getting ahead of myself). We decided that we would try to go to a winery or two that just happened to be in the area. I, having never been to a winery, really had no idea what to expect except for glass bottles, oak casks and maybe some cheese. We ended up going to 3 different wineries that afternoon. If you’ve never been to one, I highly suggest you go sometime…they are really pretty interesting. After we left the last one for the day, we made our way (as you could guess if you were paying attention) to DC.

We parked groovy’s car at her work and then rode the Metro to the Woodley Park Zoo/Adams Morgan exit. Now, for a little background on Adams Morgan, go here: . I can sum it up real quickly, though, by saying that it’s probably one of the most ethnically diverse places that I think I’ve ever been to. There are places to eat from just about every continent (sans Antarctica, of course) as well as several dance clubs and other “night life” areas. It was a really interesting place to visit (18th Street NW is exceptionally cool if you like seeing interesting restaurants). The walk to Adams Morgan was really cool too because you cross this bridge over a park (the tour guide in me forgets the name of the park, sorry…Rock Creek, I think), and then you make your way through this area of VERY nice looking apartments/houses (pictures located at that site). Anyway, we went there and decided to eat at this Ethiopian place called “Meskerem” which is Ethiopian for “A tasty restaurant with interesting foods.” No, no…I’m just kidding (about the name). The food was interesting. I mean, it was definitely NOT American (duh). You aren’t given utensils, but rather this “bread” called “Injera” that you pick up your food with ( is the site for the restaurant). It was interesting. While we were there, we also tried this stuff called “Tej” which is an Ethiopian Honey Wine (supposedly). To be honest, it tasted more like Vic’s 44 to me than anything I’ve ever had. It was a chore to finish it off, I can tell you. Anyway, we left there and walked back to the Metro (OH! The escalator that goes down to the Metro there is the longest escalator that I’ve ever seen…it’s EASILY 50 yards long!) and then drove back to the apartment.

Sunday morning, we kinda just hung out and read the Washington Post and drank coffee for a while. Then, we decided to go to this other winery that was located in Maryland (the others that we went to were in Virginia). As it turns out, the one we went to was the “largest” one in Maryland and produced 60% of all the wine produced in Maryland (that’s equal to over 100,000 gallons (or was it liters?) of wine annually). The tour through that one was really cool and we learned a lot of stuff (for instance, there is an acid that forms on the sides of the vats/casks in the wine-making process that is crystallized, powdered and bleached, then sold under the name “Cream of Tartar”…how about THEM apples?!) and “sampled” several different types of wine including a Dandelion Wine that tasted, not to sound weird, exactly how a dandelion smells (when it’s yellow, of course…if you smell a dandelion when it’s white, well, you’re liable to sneeze a lot). On the way back to the apartment, we stopped in this little town (the name escapes me) that is known for its antiques (“The most antiques in all the world…or is it all of Maryland?”). We went through this one place that was old…you could tell (I hit my head on the doorway on the way in, and the owner said that there was a doorway upstairs that was only 5’4” tall…sheesh!) and when we asked how old it was, she said something about the 1700’s. Can you imagine?! Anyway, it was a really cool place to visit and if I could remember the name, I would suggest you go there. Erm…yeah.

Monday, as is usually the case, was a bad day. I never like leaving groovy. We ate lunch at Panera (yum!) and got to the airport with 2 hours to spare. As it turns out, we got there with 3 hours to spare, but we didn’t realize that the plane would be delayed further than it already was (which caused me to have 15 minutes to make my next plane in Houston (yeah, I hate that place)). Anyway, all in all, it was another excellent weekend…I can’t wait to go back for good.


Blogger Sun said...

1. then again, that could have something to do with the coffee and being too hyper to realize what the food actually tasted like…who knows!Or the shock of that much sugar hitting your system so early in the morning!

2. We ended up cooking a chicken casserole thing for supper that was especially good Recipe please! It does sound good. Although I will need a little more than "We chopped up some peppers and put some orange stuff in. And oh yeah! It had some tortillas."

3. There are places to eat from just about every continent (sans Antarctica, of course) as well as several dance clubs and other “night life” areas. I want to go! That place sounds awesome!

4. It was a chore to finish it off, I can tell you. You know, you didn't have to drink it all ya lush! Lol.

5. then sold under the name “Cream of Tartar”Damn... you made me learn something!

6. I can’t wait to go back for good. I can't either because then I'll actually have an *excuse* to go visit all these cool place you've been telling us about!

And visit you.

Of course.

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhh sounds like another great weekend...way better than mine of course...anywho..yea I have been to a couple of wine places..and no not the local albertsons...there is a place in the mountains in NC not sure where but it's a great place at the end of the tour they ask many questions like what's your fav. color. what type of wine u like..bitter sweet kinda thing..but anyways it is interesting in them places...then again so was the jack daniels distillery place...I went through every line taste testing..glad to hear u had a good time and what not. oh yea to things in your story made me stop and thing...

1. u said u ate at a "Ball" then read the next sentence and u started saying "mall" so that made more sence..

2. u mentioned a place called panera..I was thinking hell pantera has a restraunt. then read it again and said ohhh he said panera..

oh well later bro


12:42 PM  
Blogger LaTech said...

lol, Will. Yeah, as far as I know, Pantera doesn't have a restaurant. And about the "ball" thing...I noticed it but decided I would leave it there because...well, I was busy. I'm going to leave it now (just like I did the stuff that "H" caught me on) so that I can prove that I'm not perfect. :-p

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said you went to a Baltimore ball in the first paragraph; I think you meant to say mall (inferred from the following sentence). Sounds like you had a good weekend, but as with anything in this wonderful tragi-comedy we call life, all good things must (and all to soon do) come to an end. enjoy the good moments while they last, they are all too fleeting. Soon you'll be toiling away you life wandering aimlessly through the mall penniless chasing after children while holding a woman's purse (that doesn't match you outfit btw). Such is the "Human Condition."

8:02 AM  
Blogger LaTech said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this is Webmaster (if not, sorry). You should see how I "carry" purses. I usually have my index finger holding the strap, and the purse is usually about as far away from me as I can comfortably carry it! I've never been one to want to look in someone's purse, let alone hold the thing. I mean, how would it be for me to see someone digging around in my wallet?! Anyway, life isn't always should know that by now.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I've been "unmasked." This is Webmaster and I can tell you, you haven't lived until you've been in the mall holding a pink purse that looks like a bustier. I'm sad to say that I've received compliments on the purse that I was carying in the mall (from other women). After 8 years of marriage I've come to undersatnd that it's marking their territory, kinda like branding cattle (but more painful; lasts longer). Oh, also I've been to a winery in Missouri and it was pretty cool (got to try a lot of wine). If you're ever in Linchberg Tennessee, stop by the Jack Daniels Distillery there, now that is cool, but the county is dry and you do get a better buzz at the winery, fyi.

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the mall the one in townson right by baltimore harbor? Ive been there, and I fly into BWI everytime I go to visit my girlfriend!! haha, depending on when you finally move out there, we should plan on flying in at the same time next time i go. We could go out to dinner or something, man, that would be crazy fun! I'd bring a big copy of the photo hax of you and that guy getting married... you being the one in the wedding dress.. haha

12:36 AM  
Blogger LaTech said...

Hey Saint,

No, the mall (or the aptly misnamed "ball") was about 10 minutes away from BWI, actually. We did go to the mall the first time that I went to BWI that's right at the harbor (right behind the USS Constitution and near the Barnes and Noble, if I remember correctly). We ate at the California Pizza place.

As for meeting up, that would be awesome! You'll have to let me know the next time you'll be there and we'll see what I can do. w00t!!!

7:28 AM  

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