Tuesday, May 17, 2005

How dumb can people be?!

Every once in a while, someone sends me something that’s out there on the internet that I just have to sit back and say, “WHAT?!” The following is all about one such thing.

A friend of mine just sent me a link to this article by the BBC about something that happened in Cambodia. I’m still kind of surprised by it is why I’m being so cryptic. I’m not going to link to the page for fear of reprisals from whoever else might want to be upset with me over it. Anyway, the point of the article was this: 42 fighting midgets were slaughtered by a lion. Yes…you read that correctly. Fighting midgets were killed.

Now, someone being mauled by a lion isn’t really that big of a deal, I guess. It happens all the time. Let me set up the situation for you, though. There is (erm, was) a group of fighting midgets in Cambodia that were managed by this guy that stated that they would fight anything or anyone…man, beast or machine. Well, this other Cambodian guy took him up on his challenge and said that he wanted them to fight a lion. The manager agreed…and the fight was on.

Forty-two midgets, all well versed in all sorts of fighting styles, no doubt, entered the ring that also contained one non-midget lion. Only the full-sized lion exited the ring in anything resembling the same condition.

Now…does any of this just seem a little too far-fetched to be even remotely considered to be true?! Well, good job sports fans! It’s a fake. Please consult this page for more details: http://lionvs40midgets.tripod.com/

Anyway, I just want you all to know that I had to post that because a) I told my friend Red I would, and b) I needed the humor. Why do I need the humor? Stress…let me tell you:

Moving has to be the single most stressful thing I’ve ever been through. Not only do you have to worry about getting things shut down and ready for whoever takes over when you leave (I have a 3+ page document for whoever takes over this job so they aren’t just hurled into this job like I was), but you also have to worry about getting 10 signatures on this piece of paper saying that it is ok for you to leave. On top of that, you have to worry about forwarding all of your mail, stopping all your services (electricity, water etc), changing banks, insurance policies…well, the list goes on and on, let me tell you. Anyway, it’s been somewhat stressful, but the stress is finally going away because groovy and I talked about it last night, and it got me to try and figure out what it was that was causing all the stress. Once I realized what it was, it made dealing with it so much easier (just like she said it would).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

say bro no worries thing will get better for ya...

me myself am still stressing Still have no job and it's been since Dec. I have been on 22 intervies in 1 week and they only want peeps with a college background../flip..I went to trade school for computers...blah blah blah im thinking of opening my own computer store or something or pimping myself out again im not sure yet...laters bro
all the love from this rotten fart..

12:14 PM  

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