Monday, August 23, 2004

What would you do if I sang out of tune?

Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ear and I'll sing you a song...
And I'll try not to sing out of key (yeah) - Joe Cocker

If I had a little help from my friends...Do you ever feel like you're being left alone? Like everyone in your life has walked out on you all at the same time? I have, and do. I know, I know. I have friends (Jared, Heather, Will, Ami etc...)...but, where are they? Will and Ami are in Baton Rouge. Heather and Jared are in St. Paul (or the surrounding areas). I realize I have other friends that are local, but for the most part, they have let me live the last 3 months alone. Why, I wonder to myself. I've done nothing against any of them. Who knows.

I've already posted that my great grandfather died on July 27th. My question for the day is: Who do you look up to when the person that you looked up to has died? I've been considering this question for days now, and I can find no viable answer. Some would say, "It's time to live life like the one you looked up to did so that you can be an example for others, thus making the person you looked up to imortal." Imortal in that the idea of them and the things they lived for live on. I don't know. Others would say, "Find someone else to look up to." Easier said than done. I mean, how does one find someone as great as one own great grandfather? Or, do I find someone as great as mine (said thusly because not everyone's relatives are adored so greatly by their family)? What are your thoughs, oh Internet? Let me know.

You want to know what the coolest word in the English language is? I'll tell you anyway. "Facetious." Facetious is the coolest word in the English language. Why? Well...look at it. What makes it unique? It's the only word in the English language that has ALL the vowels in order in it. Unless, of course, you count the word "Paletious" or "Banetious" or even the more rare "Zaxetious". No no...I'm just being facetious. There are no such words (that I'm aware of, anyway). Another cool word happens to be "Coquettish". Try using that one in a sentence today. What does it mean? "Coquettish": being a flirtatious female. Or rather, a Coquette is a flirtatious female. Wow...English rocks (I guess French does too, considering that's a French word). Well...ok, American rocks! We steal words from everyone! May I have a taco, you coquettish bink? Of course, but only if you write with my kugelschreiber. (WOW! Ok, so we didn't steal that from the Germans afterall...thankfully, we say "pen")

Another great question that I hope you comment on is as follows: When one looks at one's life and realizes how many mistakes one has made, how does one go about making a change? I suppose everyone makes mistakes at one time or another. How do you get beyond them? For me, I don't know. See...I'm one of thos stupid people that can forgive a person (or myself) for things that have happened in the past, but I find it VERY hard (almost impossible) to forget the things that were done. In my own life, if I forget the things that I have done that wronged other people, I am doomed to make the same mistake again. And, for others, if I forget how I have been hurt/wronged by them, I am setting myself up to being hurt the same way again. Granted, people change...but they have to WANT to change. Who's to say that someone has or has not changed? Not me...I can't judge anyone but myself...anything less would be unfair.

On a happy note, I'm presently on #12 or there is almost light at the end of the tunnel!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me?!?! What ever you say.....

8:45 PM  
Blogger LaTech said...

This is one of those times where if you have nothing constructive to say, it's better to just say nothing at all, Mr. (or, more accurately, Madam) poster. Besides, you aren't as anonymous as you like to think you are. Your insolence and attitude proves to me who you are. From now on, I'll delete any post you make that doesn't include your name just so everyone else will not have to put up with anonymous crap.


4:32 AM  
Blogger Sun said...

We're seperated by distance not by spirit, guy.

I've never really looked up to anyone, so I don't know how to answer your question. Not that there is only one answer. I have people in my life whose opinions I respect greatly, but no one person whose life I wish to emulate.

And mistakes? I've made a few. It's not so much that you have to forget your mistakes. I don't think you should, but I think you should use the memory of them to make better decisions. For what other reason do we make mistakes if not to learn?

Whoohoo DVDs! I'll be all set for the looooong cold winter months of hibernating indoors!

You know what else is a fun word? Menominee.

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hide behind the anonymity of this medium then complain when I comment anonymously. You must accept the fact that if you complain openly, not all will come to your rescue. Let all see the comments and decide for themselves. Never ask a question where you may not like the answer.

1:38 PM  
Blogger LaTech said...

Hiding behind the anonymity? Who's hiding?! Everyone that knows about this site knows who I am (except for those unfortunate souls that stumbled upon the site by pure accident...luckily for them, they never come back).

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i just happen to stumble across this website while i was looking up lyrics for that song "what would you do..." i've noticed that computer geeks are looked down on... i've only gotten to know one and he is a wonderful guy. in fact he is marrying my sister and i couldnt think of a soul i'd rather her be with. if someone doesnt give you the time of day they arent worth it. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind." Dr. Seuss so just remember that whenever you feel alone and trust me there are people out there that care, you just have to be patient.
<3 Ashley

4:24 PM  

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