Saturday, August 28, 2004

Unlike Highlander...there can be more than one!

From time to time, I am asked what my favorite of this or that is. There is an key problem with this question, or rather, I don't have a viable answer for this question and therefore, the question is a bad one. Let me explain...

I was asked one time, "Hey Scott, what's your favorite book?" Well, let's see. To be honest, I really have no clue because I read so many books by so many different authors that it would be unfair to myself (as well as the authors of those books and the characters contained therein) for me to limit myself to just ONE favorite. Now, ask me something more broad, such as: "What are some of your favorite authors?" and I can answer easily! Here's my list of favorite authors: Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler, James Patterson, Jeffery Deaver, Thomas Harris...and many, MANY more.

Then, one other time, I was asked, "Hey Scott, what's your favorite movie?" Well, once again, I have no single answer that will cover this question in such a way as to answer in the way that you want it to be answered. That is to say, I have no single favorite movie. So, what are some of my favorite movies? That's easy! Let's see...Indiana Jones, Matrix, Star Wars, Hannibal, Silence of the Lambs, Kiss the Girls...well, that's a bunch of serious movies. I also like anything with Mr. Bean, Monty Python or Wallace and Gromit in it. How's that sound?

Favorite foods are the same. Pizza, Spaghetti, Lasagne, Anything Oriental (I even had squid or octopus once!), German food...well...pretty much anything within reason.

Now...what about people? Have I a favorite friend? Is there really such a thing as a "best friend" anymore? Personally, I don't think so. I have several friends and many acquaintences. None of them are my best, because if there is a best, there is a worst...and none of my friends are worst at anything.

thus ends the conversation for this evening


Blogger Sun said...

Hey Scott, what's your favorite ... erm... nevermind.

I'm like you. I never have a "favorite" something,I have "one of my favorites" instead. A teacher once asked me what my favorite story that I had written was. It was like asking a parent to choose their favorite child!

And friends, wow. How can you choose a "best" when each relationship is different? I have a friend that I've known the longest, a friend who is fun to party with, a friend who I've lived with for 5 years, etc. Each friendship fulfills me in a different way. How can I compare them and choose one "best"?

7:35 AM  

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