Thursday, May 26, 2005

"So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" and "The Couch From Hell!"

Well, it’s finally here. The day that I’ve been waiting for. Heck, it’s the day the city of Ruston has been waiting for. Tomorrow marks the last day of my official residence in Ruston, Louisiana and Louisiana as a whole.

In a moment of pure maudlin revelry, I would like to reflect on several things that have happened over my tenure here in Ruston –

When I came here, I was but a strapping young lad of 18, fresh out of high school. Now, at 28, it amazes me that over 1/3 of my life has been spent in one place. That’s amazing. Ruston is a great place to live, don’t get me wrong, but the fact that there is NOTHING to do here really kind of brings it down a notch or two as far as “cool places to live” is concerned.

I’ve had several roomies over the years – Trey: the guy who shaved his arms and legs that smoked pot and would ask me for food at 2am. Michael: the guy who was dating the girl that I would end up dating, and who ended up marrying the girl I was dating at that time. Ty: what exactly can you REALLY say about Ty? Mike: it was great rooming with him because we were polar opposites…he worked nights and slept during the day…he was messy…he was quiet (or, was the fact that I was never there when he was awake the answer to this?!). Matt: the guy who has been by my side to help me through just about everything that I’ve been through over the last 10 years…a true friend. A TRUE friend.

There are many other people that have influenced my stay here. Barbara, Becky, Pete, Liz, my coworkers, Petrus, Lesa, Alicia…they all, in one form or another, have made their mark on my memories of this place. To forget them would be to forget my experiences here…and that will never happen.

Ok, maudlin session over for now…on to other things.

I have the couch from hell. No, literally, it must be possessed or something. Nobody wants it. Not even me. I don’t want it. I don’t have the room for it and I SURELY am not moving it just to end up selling it later. That’s asinine.

I’ve had this couch in the paper for almost 2 weeks and only one person expressed an interest. So, I’ve asked everyone that I know if they need a couch or if they know someone who needs a couch. Nothing. Oh, the guy that did want the couch decided not to call me back the evening he said he would (2 weeks ago). Now, finally, one of the ladies I work with decided she would like the couch. Yay! I load it up into the truck and drive to North Monroe only to find that her doorways are 3 inches too narrow. Three inches!!! I tried every door of her house…same problem. So, I load the couch back into my truck and I go back home. On the way, I decide that a cool option would be to cut the rope that is holding it into the bed and let it fly out. YES! What a wonderful plan! Well, I ended up not doing this and put it back in the apartment.

My sister and her boyfriend visited this weekend and she said that, worst case, she could come up and take it home (she lives in Baton Rouge) and sell it there. I was elated. I had something to fall back on just in case everything else fell through.

I got a phone call this morning from my dad concerning the moving of the couch to Baton Rouge. Essentially what I got from him was this: The couch will not reside in Baton Rouge. End of story. This frustrated me to no end. Now, I had a viable solution to the problem, but someone else decided that it was no longer viable. Fine. I can live with that.

Final solution to the problem? Well, tonight when I get off work, I’m going home. I will pick up said couch. I will take said couch to Goodwill and will drop it off there for them to sell. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Oh, and before I forget…Bye Ruston!


Blogger Sun said...

Great. Now I have the muscial montage of dolphins in my head and it won't get out!!! ;)

Good luck in your new digs. Wish you all the best!

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck my friend hope u have a great time and a safe trip and all that good come no mention of me in that little farwell deal? j/k crazy I remeber u moving up there I thought that was the last time we would ever talk..then I moved off to NC that wasn't a fun day for either of us..oh well bro u take care and keep in touch.

8:07 AM  

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